Bologna, Italy, June 2018
For the development of activities in the European Project Pervasive Ubiquitous Lightwave Sensor (PULSe) we are looking for interested partners for helping with the project activities, in particular related to Workpackage 5 (Market uptake support tools) and Workpackage 6 (Exploitation & Dissemination), please refer to the Workpackage description in the relevant Website pages.
The ideal partner would:
- be a company/institution focusing on photonics, optical fibers and fiber optic sensors,
- possess an experience in result dissemination, event and workshop organization,
- exhibit a robust track record in contributing or participating to European projects, especially those linked to Horizon 2020 Programme and Fast Track to Innovation,
- have solid connections with industry, being able at the same time to carry out the market uptake as well as fostering industrial exploitation of project results.
Interested partners can send an expression of interest in the Contact page of the PULSe Website to the project Coordinator, who will provide more details on related terms and activities to be developed.